الاتساق التبعي للخطاب القرآني في السور القصار


  • رمضان صالح رحمن قسم الدراسات الإسلامية - كلية العلوم الإسلامية جامعة صلاح الدين – اربيل
  • محمد صابر مصطفى




Affiliation consistency, discourse, emphasis, coordination, Affixational relation, Appositive


The present work is linguistic research that deals with some affixational relations that act as causes and devices for strengthening and support among the components of morphology, syntax and semantics like; emphasizing, revert to the beginning, instead of and a group of other terminologies that clarify the inimitability (miraculousness) and the unique rhetorical language of the Holy Qur’an regarding phonetics, morphology, syntax and semantics.

As the current subject under study is so wide and multidimensional, the research selects only limited parts of the terms and meanings of the short Surahs in the Holy Qur’an that depicts itself in a strict suitable composition of words and meanings.

The paper then sheds light on its results:

1-The text of the Holy Qur’an is built on a strong basis in the rhetoric of addressing.

2-The relations between the words and their meanings are very strong and suitable in a way that they all complete and support each other so that they never disintegrate.

3-Regarding composition, although the all are constructed with solid proofs and relations in all the levels of phonetics, morphology, syntax and semantics, but  it never  can be like that portrait of the composition indicated in the inimitability of the Holy Qur’an in all the levels.

