ئەرکێن زمانی د سترانێن کەنالێ (پێلستانک) دا


  • ژیمان سەبری نعمەت كۆلیژا زمانان - زانكۆیا دهۆك
  • عسمەت مەحموود محەمەد كۆلیژا زمانان - زانكۆیا دهۆك




This study (The unctions of language in the songs of Pelistank TV), is an attempt to find out the functions of the language in the texts of Children songs of Pelistank TV. This study aims to discover the percentages of different functions of 31 chosen songs in order to uncover the effects of these songs on children. The study also strives to exposethe suitability of the chosen songs with the childhood age in order to know to how extend these songs have a conative function and to determine wheather the chosen songs have negative or positive functions on children.


